- Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
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- Personen
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Schürch
Basaco, Tais ; Pektor, Stefanie ; Bermudez, Josue M. ; Meneses, Niurka ; Heller, Manfred ; Galván, José A. ; Frias Boligan, Kayluz ; Schürch, Stefan ; von Gunten, Stephan ; Türler, Andreas ; Miederer, Matthias (2018).
- Medizinische Fakultät
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- Forschungsgruppen
- Gruppe von Gunten
Basaco, Tais ; Pektor, Stefanie ; Bermudez, Josue M. ; Meneses, Niurka ; Heller, Manfred ; Galván, José A. ; Frias Boligan, Kayluz ; Schürch, Stefan ; von Gunten, Stephan ; Türler, Andreas ; Miederer, Matthias (2018).
- Faculty of Medicine
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- Research Groups
- Von Gunten Group
Basaco, Tais ; Pektor, Stefanie ; Bermudez, Josue M. ; Meneses, Niurka ; Heller, Manfred ; Galván, José A. ; Frias Boligan, Kayluz ; Schürch, Stefan ; von Gunten, Stephan ; Türler, Andreas ; Miederer, Matthias (2018).
- Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
- ...
- Personen
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Türler
Basaco, Tais ; Pektor, Stefanie ; Bermudez, Josue M. ; Meneses, Niurka ; Heller, Manfred ; Galván, José A. ; Frias Boligan, Kayluz ; Schürch, Stefan ; von Gunten, Stephan ; Türler, Andreas ; Miederer, Matthias (2018).
Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Laboratory (Core Facility) Protein and Cell Biology (Research Group) www.pmscf.dkf.unibe.ch Staff Members PD Dr. Manfred Heller, Head Dr. Niurka Meneses Moreno, Post doctoral Fellow Sophie Braga-Lagache, ... At the start of the year, Dr. Niurka Meneses Moreno, last year’s Visiting Scientist, joined our group as a NCCR TransCure Postdoctoral Fellow.
Before Niurka Meneses left the DCR in March, she was able to finish the data analysis of the TRPM4 interactome (manuscript in preparation) and we performed some work on the characterisation of the chemical nature of formaldehyde-induced cross-linking of proteins using mass spectr ...
Niurka Meneses developed new strategies to characterise the interactome of plasma membrane proteins. ... Staff Members PD Dr. Manfred Heller, Head Dr. Niurka Meneses Moreno, Postdoctoral Fellow (Research Group) Sophie Braga-Lagache, Laboratory Technician (Core Facility) Natasha Buchs Tetkovic, Laboratory Technician (Core Facility & Research Group) Marian Petrovic, ...
In addition, from April to July, Niurka Meneses, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico joined our lab as a Visiting Scientist, propelling forward our efforts on the analysis of membrane proteins.
- Faculty of Science
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- Publications
- DCBP Publications (BORIS listing)
Startseite Menu Inhalt Kontakt Suche Sprachwahl Wichtige Seiten Portal UniBE Faculties & Institutes Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculties & ...
- Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
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- Publikationen
- Publikationen aus BORIS
Startseite Menu Inhalt Kontakt Suche Sprachwahl Wichtige Seiten Portal UniBE Fakultäten & Institute Philosophisch-natur- wissenschaftliche Fakultät Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie ...
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